A key fob scale can be a great way to weigh party favors.  The best way to do this is to buy one specially made for this purpose. This way, you know you can count on it. You can also choose from various models that have different features.

Key Fob Stash

Using a key fob stash can help you protect your valuables. You can put your keys, cash, and pills in it. And, if you drop it, it won’t open accidentally. The key fob stash is designed with a hidden compartment to keep your valuables safe. This compartment is made of an internal O-ring that provides a water-resistant barrier. It also contains five micro glowsticks for increased security. You can even add a cr3020 battery to make a tiny flashlight. This product comes with instructions and a video link, so you can learn all about it. Then, you can assemble it. The key fob stash is ideal for traveling and festivals. It’s also great for everyday use. It’s small enough to be hidden away in a pocket or purse, but it still looks and functions like a regular key. This is the perfect stash for your everyday essentials. This key fob stash is made of high-quality plastic. It also comes with a cr3020 battery and five micro glowsticks, so you can add a little light to your keys. It’s also easy to assemble. There are three pieces to assemble. One is the wedge, which is ground on the key for light prying. The other two are the buttons and the snap-fit box. The box is hollow, so it can hold other small items like dollar bills or pills. It also has an internal ring that blocks humidity. Then, you can assemble it with the middle button. Most key fob stashes also come with a lifetime guarantee, so you can buy it with confidence. It’s also very hard-wearing and durable. You’ll be happy you bought it. You can also customize it with a real car key ring, so it looks like your real key. Whether you’re traveling to a festival or just want to keep your valuables safe, you’ll be happy you bought one. It’s a great product that won’t draw attention. 


Keeping track of your essentials is a big deal. In the age of technology and digital devices, knowing where you put your valuables is even more critical. That’s where the Wimscilabs Stash FOB comes in. It’s a great way to keep your essential bits, and pieces secure and out of the reach of snoopy kids. Unlike similar products, the Stash FOB is built to last. Its gimmick is the flip-out key holder, the ideal solution for party favors. The Stash FOB can be assembled in less than a minute. WIMSCILABS also sells a scale key fob that can be carried on a key ring. The scale fob comes with a built-in miniature scale that is hidden to the human eye. The key fobs are one of the best gifts for your family or friends this holiday season. The assembly instructions are available at any time of the day or night.

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