Initially announced to start on 17th October, the soap opera “Todas as Flores” (All Flowers), a story written by João Emanuel Carneiro for Globoplay, had its first block of chapters postponed by two days. In addition to needing to re-record and edit scenes because of José Dumont’s arrest, the network decided to bet on a reference to Avenida Brasil (2012), the writer’s most tremendous success.
The premiere is scheduled for October 19, 2022, with 45 episodes available weekly until December 16. Season two will premiere in April 2023, with releases running through June.
Telenovela Todas as Flores is written by João Emanuel Carneiro, with the collaboration of Vincent Villari, Eliane Garcia, and Daisy Chaves. It is directed by Luiz Antônio Pilar, Carla Bohler, Fellipe Gamarano Barbosa, Guilherme Azevedo, and Oscar Francisco, under the general direction of André Câmara and artistic direction by Carlos Araújo.
It has Sophie Charlotte, Regina Casé, Letícia Colin, Humberto Carrão, Fábio Assunção, Caio Castro, Mariana Nunes, and Nicolas Prattes in the leading roles. Regina Casé, 68, will play the character Zoé in “Todas as Flores”, the original Globoplay soap opera. The actress highlights that she will be a villain who will do “abominable” things, but points out other facets.
According to Notícias da TV, the objective was to create a happy reference with the author’s most famous production. Publicity on Globo’s official pages on the day will allude to the date, aiming to increase engagement and draw the public’s attention to the premiere of the new telenovela Todas as Flores.
The coincidence helped Globo justify the postponement. With the departure of José Dumont, being investigated in a case of pedophilia, Jackson Antunes was hastily summoned to replace the actor and re-record the scenes. Thus, the serial production of Todas as Flores needed more time to finish the chapters.
Five chapters will be available per week on Globoplay.
Todas as Flores (All Flores) would replace the current show in Globo’s nine o’clock range, but the company’s management opted for Travessia, which premiered last week in prime time. The station will also show the plot on open TV next year, in the second band of shows, transforming it into an eleven o’clock soap opera.
Storyline of telenovela Todas as Flores
The story is a modern fairy tale, a contemporary thriller filled with love, revenge, and redemption stories. Maíra (Sophie Charlotte) was raised by her father in Pirenópolis, Goiás, believing that her mother had died. A lie her father told to protect his daughter from the scorn of Zoé (Regina Casé), who rejected her when he learned that her daughter was born with a visual impairment.
As in a dream that turns into a nightmare, Maíra experiences the strongest emotions in her life. The same day she finds out her mother is alive, her father dies. Without revealing her true intentions, Zoé reappears, asking her daughter’s forgiveness for abandoning her.
Not suspecting anything, Maíra leaves for Rio de Janeiro, where she will be used by her mother to ensure the survival of her younger sister, Vanessa (Letícia Colin). And what would be a happy start with her family turns into a long and dangerous journey for Maíra.
How/Where to watch?
For the local brasilein audience, you can watch it on both TV Globo network and Globoplay. But if you’re trying or want to watch the telenovela from outside of Brazil, then you’ve to buy a subscription of Globoplay, and there you’ll be able to watch the regular episodes exclusively.